
Hello world...!
I am waiting to board in Korea..
I have been living in Seoul for 2 months, and I feel so bittersweet to leave...
I miss my family in Cali, so I am happy to finally see them!
But that won't last long either... after 10 days, I will leave again to New York.
I'm such a traveler... always packing and unpacking and packing and unpacking..




I haven't updated this thing in such a long time...
I finished foundation year, and I am enjoying my summer in Korea!
I have been going to fashion 학원... 좀재미없어..
하고싶은게 생겼어... 정말 해보고싶어...
너보다 더 잘되야 된단말이야
그래서 해볼거야


너무 힘들어....
사람들은 왜 알지도 못하면서 말하고 다니는지...
내가 변햇다고...

leave me alone.


Oh wow............. I am updating in more than a month after my last post!!
My last post was ... during winter break in California.
Now.. Im back in NYC and started Spring '10 semester! Weeeee!
Classes are okay. It is wayyy easier than last semester. My teachers are not as strict.
Good good.

So what else happened?
I plastered my face for 3D Body in Form class:

Doesn't that seem horrible? I felt so claustrophobic.. ahhhhh >___<;; Today I get to fill it with plaster and make a mold it hehehe (:::: Hopefully it turns out okay.

Recently, I went to Museum of Natural History for the first time for lab class. I hate lab class. Im taking Innovate:Art&Science, and regretting. WHY DID I TAKE THAT CLASS. I HATE SCIENCE. UGHHHH it's 6 hours of BLEHHHHhhh

I went to NY Fashion week! Thanks to my friend and my new friend who's collection was in the show! I was able to attend! OMG it was amazingggg (:

Oh and McQueen will be forever missed. ):::: Can't believe he did that )::::::

Today is my seastar's birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY KATE KIM!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3
I am sleeeepyyyyy.
School todayyy. -___-;;
Good night.


Haha Happy New Year!!!!!! 2010!!!!!!!!
Sorry it's late. I haven't been updating in a whileeeeee
So... what have I been doing lately??? Hm....
1. waking up at 3pm
2. watch 지붕 뚫고 하이킥 ㅋㅋㅋ
3. cyworld.co.kr
I am more active on cyworld now! Visit mine:

Today I dyed my hair black.. No more blonde... No more Goldilocks. No more Glinda.
I kinda miss it. but honestly... I was getting kinda tired of it... I needed change. and voila! I'm Elphaba. Except I'm not green.
Haha only wicked fans would get what i am talking about. Anyways....

I am in loveeeeee with Yoo Seung Ho.
Cuz he's in this new drama called 공부의 신... Hes so adorable.
But it's hard to believe that he's a few months younger than my sister... That's gross.... no not really.. it's ok LOLLL

I am sleepy.... good night!!


I have been watching Iris for the past 2 days
Why is it so intense?
I feel like I am going to have a heart attack every second!
Anyways I want to continue watching, but I am sleepy
Good night.

Ohh! and Merry late Christmas!!!



I'm finally home!
I had such a hard time yesterday...
traveling to the JFK airport by subway!! OMG -___-
Walking up and down the subway stairs with my carry on suitcase!
and and and there was so many people. I thought I was going to die.
and why is snow so ugly on the ground? Whew. i am glad I got away from that!
I arrived yesterday around 11:40pm in Oakland airport
Ive never been to that airport. it was so ghetto LOL
My flight was delayed for 2 hours -__-

Now I am home... just chillin'
I am watching Infinity Challenge 무한도전 in New York,
and makes me miss NY!! LOL
The places that come out are the places I go all the time!!
honestly.. there is not much to do here in Castro valley..
I feel so... trapped! haha :b
I am happy that im home though!

Ok im gonna watch 무한도전 ㅋㅋㅋ


I pulled an all nighter today. It wasn't that bad because I slept for 20 hours the night before. I am not even exaggerating. I really slept for 20 hours because I am sick ): In the middle of the night, I went to the bathroom to throw up and stuff... :\
The weather gave me a cold, I guess. It's really cold in NY.
Its 31 degrees right now... and it's going to get colder soon! ):
I am going to get ready for school noww...
I have art history finals today!!!
And a lot of work is due today!
But I still haven't finished everything!
I have to cram everything in the 3 hour break that I have.
Life.... is hard.
But then.... after today is over, I will have an easier week!
And I will go home on Monday!!! Finally home in 4 months.

Wish me luck on finals and a harddd dayyy today!!!


It's so cold.
I think I'm going to freeze to death.
Sometimes, I still dress like I'm in California.
and regret. and freeze to death.
Can't wait to go home ... I need Cali weather!
But then... I want to see snow! I still haven't seen snow!
I missed it last week when it snowed... :\

I am in the computer lab to do my hw... I am stressed.
BUT THANK GOD it's the last week of school!

I am such a procrastinator!!

My Happy Pets on facebook are so cute...!! <3 <3 <3
heheheh Im sucha nerd..............